Palace Revolt in Los Angeles? | EDUCATION NEXT
Antonio Villaraigosa, the handsome high-voltage mayor of Los Angeles, really comes alive when recalling his start in local politics—as a labor organizer agitating for reform inside decrepit and overcrowded schools. “I cut my teeth working for the union. I cultivated these young teachers who had come to these schools to change the world,” he said, brimming with pride.
Back in 1989, one of those teachers, Joshua Pechthalt, joined Villaraigosa for a rally downtown in Exposition Park. Pechthalt remembers his charismatic young friend pumping up the crowd. “Antonio was the master of ceremonies who had parents and teachers on their feet,” recalled Pechthalt, now vice president of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA). “When we see each other, to this day, we give each other a hug.”
Read moreAltas Expectativas para Escuelas Piloto en Nueva Preparatoria Torres | Eastern Group Publications
Después de dos años de organizar la base local y crear consciencia sobre el modelo de Escuelas Piloto, InnerCity Struggle y el East Los Angeles Education Collaborative-que están compuestos de organizaciones con base comunitaria, líderes civiles, padres y estudiantes-podrían aún estar celebrando hoy la victoria que fue la decisión por la Mesa Directiva de LAUSD en aprobar que cinco escuelas piloto, en vez de solo tres como el Superintendente Ramón Cortines había recomendado.
En preparación para el voto decisivo de la Mesa Directiva Escolar, InnerCity Struggle en colaboración con el jubilado Congresista Esteban E. Torres, con Los Angeles Education Partnership y con líderes comunitarios de la zona, el 18 de Febrero se reunieron frente la Biblioteca Pública del Este de Los Ángeles para apoyar las propuestas para cinco escuelas piloto. Foto cortesía de InnerCity Struggle
Read moreHigh Expectations for New Esteban Torres High School Pilots
After two-years of grassroots organizing to create awareness and gather support for the Pilot School model, InnerCity Struggle and the East Los Angeles Education Collaborative-comprised of community-based organizations, civic leaders, parents and students-are likely still celebrating their victory Tuesday when the LAUSD School Board voted to approve all five pilots school applications for the new Esteban Torres High School, rather then just the three and two charter schools recommended by the district's superintendent.
Read moreThe Innovation of Pilot Schools | La Opinion
The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, is a federation of labor unions that represents over 800,000 workers in every key industry throughout Los Angeles County including janitorial, education and construction workers. Those men and women work hard day in and day out just to be able to provide basic sustenance for their families. Most importantly, they are the working men and women who are exacting a high price during this economic downturn. Many are losing their jobs and retirement security, they can't pay their medical bills and are losing their homes.
Read moreEast LA: Bold School Transformation | City Watch
Change that parents and students can stand behind has finally reached East Los Angeles in the form of bold school transformation.
Over the past few weeks, several plans for school transformation at Garfield High School and the new Esteban E. Torres High School were developed and presented to the community in preparation for a parent and community vote.
A transformative environment is stirring across the nation to improve public schools in order to prepare a competitive workforce for the 21st century.
Read moreGroup Calls for Pilot School System on the Eastside | Eastern Group Publications
The Torres high school in unincorporated East Los Angeles is scheduled to open in September 2010. Some Eastside residents want it to be modeled after the Belmont Zone of Choice, Lizette Patron of InnerCity Struggle told EGP.
The group, in addition to InnerCity Struggle, included La Causa Youth Build, SEIU 99, Volunteers of East LA (VELA), and Father Rigoberto Rodriguez of Guadalupe Church. They say they want both Torres and Garfield high school campuses to become "East Los Angeles Education Empowerment Zones of Choice," thereby allowing students and their parents to choose the school that better suits their aspirations, rather than district imposed attendance areas.
Read moreOtro tipo de escuelas: las piloto | La Opinion
Cientos de padres fueron anoche a la escuela Esteban E. Torres en el este de Los Ángeles para pedir una mejor educación para sus hijos.
Aunque no pasaron de la puerta, porque la escuela no se abrirá hasta el próximo curso, las familias llegaron a respaldar la creación de una llamada "Zona Fortalecida", así como la expansión de las escuelas pilotos.
Read moreUna Vision para el Este de Los Angeles
En el último año, nuestras comunidades se han visto azotadas por la recesión económica, y las escuelas continúan pagando el precio de esta crisis. California, que supo contar con un sistema educativo de primer nivel, ha caído al puesto número 50 en lo que respecta al gasto en la educación por alumno, y no se anticipa ninguna mejora a corto plazo.
A pesar de la falta de fondos, los residentes del Este de Los Ángeles y las partes interesadas de la comunidad han comenzando a exigir mejoras en nuestras escuelas públicas, y ven esta situación como una oportunidad para implementar soluciones audaces e innovadoras que garanticen que el 100% de los estudiantes se gradúen de la escuela secundaria. Al mismo tiempo, que los alumnos cuenten con las herramientas necesarias para satisfacer las exigencias del mercado laboral del siglo XXI.
Read moreEducation in the Eastside | EGP News Service
Over the past year, our communities have been hit hard by the economic recession, and our schools continue to pay the price. California, once known for having a top educational system, has now declined to a ranking of 50th in education spending, with no sign of relief in the months to come.
Read moreLa Lucha del Pueblo: por la salud y la educación | La Opinion
Desde una sencilla oficina en el bulevar Whittier del Este de Los Ángeles, que da la bienvenida al visitante con un colorido mural que representa el pasado y futuro de esta comunidad, una docena de trabajadores y cinco voluntarios hacen la diferencia para que quienes estudian en esta parte de la ciudad gocen de mejores oportunidades.
Dan vida a Inner City Struggle, conocidos en español como La Lucha del Pueblo, una organización sin fines de lucro que comenzó hace 15 años promoviendo la salud y seguridad en Boyle Heights y que hoy, una década y media después de su nacimiento, se enfoca en mejorar las escuelas de Los Ángeles.
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