We believe everyone deserves access to a quality education.
We believe that a student’s zip code, skin color, immigration status, socioeconomic class or gender identity should not be a predicator for academic success. That’s why we’ve been at the forefront of pushing our elected officials, school districts and local school leaders to serve not some, but ALL students. When we push our public schools to serve our most vulnerable children, everyone succeeds.
Opportunity Gap
A common myth about Eastside students is that they don’t want to go to college. This is a gross misperception. The reality is that most Eastside students desire to attend college or university after high school. Hence, it is not an individual problem of choice, but the result of an inadequate educational system that only allows for a few students to flourish.
At InnerCity Struggle, we believe the achievement gap is the result of inequitable opportunities. Eastside students historically attend under-funded schools with harsh disciplinary policies that push-out students, and set low-expectations that result in poor academic achievement. We believe if we can transform Eastside schools to be equipped with equitable resources, implement positive disciplinary policies to keep students in school, and raise expectations, every child will have the opportunity to succeed. Our vision is to eliminate any barriers that prevent our children from reaching their full potential.
Student & Family Engagement
In order to transform our schools, we believe student and family engagement is essential to the process. Student and family participation must be a part of every step in the process from identifying the most widely and deeply felt problems, developing the solutions, and ensuring strong implementation at the school site level.